About Steve Steeb
Steve grew up in the shop at Steeb Dodge in Saline and pretty much watched and helped the mechanics working for his father until he turned sixteen and got his driver’s license. At that point he was able to work on his own cars and friend’s cars until he left the dealership (they didn’t see him as a mechanic – but considered him a VERY GOOD car clean-up guy…) upon his high school graduation.
Then it was off to a number of shops in Ann Arbor where various shop owners allowed him to attend training classes and tackle ever more challenging repairs. Finally in 1992 Steve got the courage to strike out on his own and Steve Steeb Service was born. The only way to micro-manage every step of the repair procedure and be sure repairs were ALWAYS to his standards was going to be to own the business and fix all the cars himself.
Something must have worked out well as after four years the work-load had reached a point where Tim Soules (Steve’s son-in-law and another very highly skilled technician) was hired. A number of good (and a few not so good…) apprentices came and went before Steve Steeb Service added a THIRD full-time ASE Certified Master Mechanic.

But now the original 1200 square foot building on Rosewood was feeling a bit cramped. At the end of 2011 a building Steve had been keeping an eye on as an ideal future location became available and was ultimately purchased and cleaned-up / remodeled / updated into the new Steve Steeb Service, Inc. We fixed our first car at 2075 S. Industrial Hwy. on October 4, 2012, and we have not looked back.
The new building gave us the space and opportunity to hire a dedicated Service Consultant and allow Steve, Tim and Jason to concentrate on properly servicing vehicles. The new building EVEN HAS A PROPER LOBBY (no more resting your feet on the tire changer!)
As an aside, most of us working at Steve Steeb Service are either collecting and/or racing cars ourselves or are involved in helping someone else who is. We are of the opinion that Motor Heads make the BEST MECHANICS and we are all pretty much life-long Motor Heads!
desk@stevesteebservice.com - 734 930 2277 - 2075 S. Industrial Ann Arbor MI 48103